Dragon Ball Jointed Doll - 2021
Dragon Ball Jointed Doll - 2021
Salvador is the start of it all. Our first BJD has now fans and owners all over the world. Who would have known that he would become so loved.

I know you think it's funny but let me just get this out of my system. Then I'll design the real deal.
Petra while thinking what kind of dragon to make

The doll was made by hand
The original design of Salvador was built by hand. After two hand-made prototypes, the model was digitalized and recreated with 3D modeling. Watch the mini story of this process from the image gallery.
You roared we listened
Salvador got bigger wings
Dragon Euphoria 2021 event resulted in numerous beautiful dragon art pieces but also a message. Salvador needs bigger wings! We heard you and here is the result. Salvador is now available with its’ original wings and with these majestic big wings.

Made for customizing
Limitless possibilities.
Artists all over the world has shown the possibilities of this dragon ball jointed doll.
Salvador is made of nylon which is a highly durable material. It resists heat up to 180°C, you can drill it, sand it, and paint it as you like. You can take the pieces apart and restring the doll whole again. You can find tutorials from here.
Limitless designs
Artists all over the world have designed their own Salvadors. Never in our wildest dreams we thought that there could be so many different designs for dragon ball jointed dolls.
Salvador designing events:
- Dragon Euphoria 2021 (Nov 2021)
- Dragon Islands 2022 (Sep – Nov 2022)
Winner art pieces from Dragon Euphoria 2021

Story behind the name
Development of the doll happened during the year 2021. Our family suffered a great loss during this year. Greatly loved family member Salvador Escarraman passed away.
Naming the doll was due around this sorrowful time. We decided to honor Mr. Salvador by naming this art piece after him.
Salvador Escarramán
1926 - 2021
Salvador Ernesto Escarramán Mejìa was born in Santo Domingo in Dominican Republic. At an early age, he began his studies at the Batalla de las Carreras military academy, reaching the rank of Major General. He was recognized on multiple occasions, and today a street within the Combate support command in the Dominican Republic bears his name.
Among the qualities that distinguished him are honesty, discipline, courage, empathy, and gratitude. The mystical character created by Dragetarr represents all these qualities. A special thanks from the Escarraman family for such a high distinction.
He was an extraordinary Grand Father, Father, Husband, Brother, Friend, and Human Being. Always with the most wanted sense of humor, but with a solid character who inspired confidence.
Whatever the circumstances, His primary concern was to do things right, achieving an enormous leadership level as a high-ranking military officer.
His passion was the truth, loyalty, and integrity, and his primary objectives were to drive his actions by Humbleness, Courtesy, Loyalty, Honor, Benevolence, Justice and Respect just as old ancient lords.
Thanks to Dragetarr for allowing the name of my father to immortalize these sweet and beautiful looking Mythological creatures, with special powers and generally, enormous strength.
César Escarramán proud son

"By speaking we understand each other" - Salvador Escarraman
Salvador was a man of strong principles and historical experiences, who developed in the military and political field. Outside of titles and notebook data, he was a kind and humble person. He believed that the real strength lay in those, who could cope with any situation using mutual understanding and dialogue. If a person would need to use power to achieve his will, that person would be weak and cowardly.
I am forever grateful to have learned from him. Every day I can see how people easily resort to the use of power to accomplish whatever they want: threats, extortion, bullying, and guns. It could come in many ways as weaker and weaker people are emerging and becoming bosses, not leaders.
Loving grandson César