Dragons of the World 2022 was an art event and competition hosted by us on April 15th – May 31st 2022.
Dragons of the World was part of Tuuletar dragon doll’s launch campaign. We wanted to gather as many artists as possible to celebrate our new doll by creating their own Tuuletar designs. The competition received over 150 submissions! You can access the event page here.
3 Winners got themselves a Tuuletar dragon doll

The task
The competition was divided into two stages: the art stage and the Salvador stage.
Art stage took place April 15th – May 15th. Contestants were assigned to design their own Tuuletar customization, using a provided template as a base. Finished pieces were to be uploaded to Instagram with the tag #dragonsoftheworld2022.

Salvadors stage took place April 15th – May 29th. We wanted to encourage our doll owners to post pictures of their dolls. Customized ones were battling for exclusive prices. Among them was an ooak event doll customized by our in-house artist Petra. Unfortunately, it seems that there was not enough time, and the Salvador stage did not receive participants.
The submissions
The competition received over 150 submissions! The artists took our breaths away time and time again. If you want to experience the #dragonsoftheworld2022 yourself, check out the hashtag on Instagram. Below you can see a sneak peek of some of the artworks.

The winners of Dragons of the World 2022
The winners of the event were published on May 31st. You can watch the award ceremony here. You can see the winning artworks and artists below.

Storyteller III
the third most views on IG reels
artist on IG: _araxara_

Storyteller II
the second most views on IG reels
artist on IG: klaineka

Storyteller I
the most views on IG reels
artist on IG: chan.ten.laea

Dragetarr’s choise
out of all submitted posts and videos, dragetarr team’s favourite
artist on IG: wolvernnoir
The last two winners are an interesting couple. We picked 15 most liked IG posts for a separate vote for a winner. You can find the whole top 15 and the vote from here.
IG likes counted as votes. One of the posts had the most likes but another collected the most votes after being picked to the top 15. We decided to reward them both. This way we got one lucky surprise Tuuletar winner. Even we didn’t see this one coming.

Fam’s favourite
top 15 vote winner
artist on IG: _obsidian.crow_

Fam’s favourite
top 15 the most likes
artist on IG: rainy_artist
Thank you to all of the participants! All of the art was amazing and once again we wished we could give more awards away. Well certainly in the future events! See you there!
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During the event we had an amazing YouTube collaboration. 3 Talented artist made their own Salvador customizations.

You can watch the customization process videos from the highlighted links: Top Moonlight Jewel, left Josephine’s Creatures and on the right Mr. Super Customs.